Kevin Hayden Paris

“Love calls - everywhere and always. We're sky bound.
Are you coming?”

Friday, January 11, 2013

Looking for Inspiration

Well Christmas came and didn't leave my intestines intact. That's what happens when you go back to a country that eats a side of pork for breakfast! The black & white pudding, the beans, sausages and rashers are still with me it feels like, and alka seltzer doesn't work. Well not in this case. I didn't sit down to write about my stomach problems, I sat down to write about the lack of inspiration I'm feeling on this grey Paris day. But maybe it's connected...gas, bloating and lack of inspiration may well be connected? Well it has gotten me this far which is no all bad. I'm just going to write cos it's better than farting and procrastination!
I've got several projects to start, or restart and to finish and to edit. But I end up of that great thief of time and energy Facebook. So I'm trying to focus and finish! I must mention a book that someone popped in the post and sent to me out of the blue, but it's like a bolt of lightening to my lazy procrastinating side. It's called "theWar of Art" by Steven Pressfield and I take the quote from the cover made by Esquire "A vital gem...a kick in the ass." And it's true! That's also why I'm sitting writing rubbish...he says just do it, write! So it's just the kick in the ass I needed today!
So now I'm almost finished this small introspective rant that I hope will continue to motivate me to write something coherent, and to focus and finish all these projects and ideas flying around my spahgetti  junction head. Now I'm already tempted to see what rubbish has been posted on Facebook. I'm sick I need help!
Maybe you too need help? Go and buy the book!
Kevin Hayden is a photographer, tour guide, great cook, (great father hmm?) Don't tell my kids I said that!
Ok I've done a blog of rubbish today, but it's a blog! Don't complain! It's better than nothing!