Kevin Hayden Paris

“Love calls - everywhere and always. We're sky bound.
Are you coming?”

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Virginia Hills

Every marriage I get to witness is a special moment in the lives of the people involved and no less my own. No matter where the location, and I've been lucky enough to shoot weddings in the USA, Burma, Cambodia, Italy, France, UK and Ireland and they have all touched me in some way. It really is an immense privilege to be such an important part of a couples union, and I never take this privilege for granted. After all is said and done it's only the photos that remain.

 The wedding of Delaney & Chris at Holbrook farm was a joyous event, and the joy was contagious. I felt right at home! But I have to watch that cos I can relax too much. Not good!
The barn was a Godsend when the rain arrived. Yes Irish people have a sixth sense for when the rain is going to arrive.

This morning I received an email from a young bride whose marriage I had the pleasure of recording and she praised my work and presence at her ceremony.  I then thought back to the wedding and realised that I still have very fond memories of this time in the hills of Virginia. I then asked myself why there was such a warmth to those memories? The answer was swift and obvious.  This morning I was also reminded to be in my heart and not in my head. These people were warm and welcoming and I felt at home immediately.  Perhaps flying so far away and taking more than a week to drive up to the location along the Blue Ridge Parkway, which itself was a perfect start, I felt nothing could go wrong and for once I was right.  The parents of the bride met me on my arrival to the farm, offered me a drink and told me to make myself at home. I did.

It was great to join them for the picnic and to have a chance to acquaint myself which also helps me to remember names and it helps the guests get used to my presence.
A touching moment between mother & daughter
The rehearsal was another fun moment. Very relaxed and informal, and the small kids gave me several funny snap shot opportunities.  The preparations for this wedding were extensive and to see the sense of community in action did me good spiritually. The neighbours and their teenage kids worked all day non stop without a complaint, it really was a community effort.
The neighbours supplied flowers, food, cakes, music and the all important ingredient of love that made this such a special occasion.

Delaney arrived in a 1954 Ford in the same family from day one

I'm now back in Paris and it seems a world apart from the quiet hills of Virginia but I have the photos to cherish and to remind myself of the fun we had.
When shooting weddings I always meditate beforehand and I always ask for guidance, and remind myself that I am not the one in charge. If I stay in my head I will miss the minuscule emotive moments that pass very quickly between people in love.  Mindful photography is essential learning.  It is my next project. Always.
Chris, ever the joker

Monday, January 20, 2014

Memories of war

The First World war
As I'm a photographer and definitely not a historian, nor a writer this will be brief!
It all began (supposedly) over the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand  and his wife Sophie Duchess of Honenberg (28th June 1914) at the hands of Gavrilo Princip who was rumoured to be a Serb activist. So it was from here it all spiralled out of control.
Austria and Hungary brutally attacked Serbia killing innocent civilians at will. It ended in less than a year. However the alliances of Russia to Serbia brought in the Germany. Then Germany invaded Belgium on August 4th, then Britain declared war at midnight August 4th on Germany in order to assist the Belgians.

Eventually 65 million soldiers would take up arms, 10 million of whom would perish. A further 20 million were irretrievably wounded both physically and emotionally.

So 100 hundred years later I find myself in the department of la Meuse and the town of Nancy. I had cycled this way in 2001 and enjoyed renewing my memories.
The memorials of the first world war are everywhere.  And as a photographer who enjoys recording what he sees I was in my element. A quick visit to the tourist office paid dividends. The young lady there said "if you want to get the authentic ambiance then go to le Éperges"! I did and I wasn't disappointed.

The enormous craters from the mines (battle of the mines) and the remaining trenches really did stir the emotions on this cold and damp January morning.
I visualised these young Germans dug in, laying in water up to their waists, sharing the space with rats and lice and I'm sure wondering why they were there and why did they have to die.
The Allied forces won this important battle April 9th 1915 but many lives were lost. 30 tonne mines don't take prisoners, and there were many.

Today looking across this peaceful landscape it's hard to imagine. In fact it's beyond my comprehension of how miserable conditions were for both sides.
I've often heard it said "lest we forget" and "we shall never let this happen again"
it's sadly true that talk is cheap and that war makes millionaires.

In memory of
The Fallen
I hope my photographs help to tell the story, that is my constant hope.