Are photo tours for you? Do you have an interest in the great outdoors and a desire to discover Ireland, and or France? Are you curious and enjoy getting lost and off the beaten track.
My tours always end up off the beaten track! A photo workshop is where you get advice and instruction on how best to capture what’s in front of your camera. It’s important that before you book your tour/workshop that you make as sure as is possible that it suits your needs. And never hesitate to ask a question,more often than not it's a question others in the group hesitated to ask.
If you're a beginner I strongly advise you to try and get some one on one tuition before going on a group tour. If you need more info feel free to reach out to me @ or Tel 06 71 93 72 81
If you’re interests are in architecture then a city based tour of Paris, Dublin or Rome for instance would satisfy your needs. Likewise if you’re a street photographer these cities are perfect.
Make sure your tour organizer has inside knowledge and knows the area well. But don’t get stressed if or when they get lost, that is often the time when the magic happens. Everything happens for a reason and being able to recognize the opportunities that have been presented to you is a skill in itself and one that I talk about on my tours and workshops. Being centered, silent and in the moment. Taking your time to breathe, closing your eyes and connecting with the earth beneath your feet, making that connection and having a communion with your environment or subject will lead to creating images that the viewer can also connect with. Remember a piece of blank paper is just a piece of blank paper, as a photographer your aim is to put some feeling and emotion on that blank piece of paper. You want your image to touch and move people. Move them enough to buy the image and help pay for your next tour of Ireland or France with me Kevin Hayden as your guide and
teacher. One last tip, make sure you check out the images from previous tours that way you will see if the tour leader can take a photo and a photo style that appeals to you.