Kevin Hayden Paris

“Love calls - everywhere and always. We're sky bound.
Are you coming?”

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Paris Photography what?

It's a Wednesday I think? I'm in Paris I know for sure, and it's March 14th because someone called to wish me a happy St Patrick's day, I had to think fast (that's painful) It's not the 17th Ida is it? I know my body is going but I didn't think my mind was so far gone that I'd forgotten my beloved St Patrick's day. The only day in the year when every one wants to be Irish. Many years ago I was in LA for March 17th and I'd never seen so many black  and Hispanic Irish people in my life!
The day outside of my prison looks glorious, the sun has put smiles on the faces of the Parisians passing by (ok I exaggerate), they are almost smiling, that's miracle enough. Well done my sun!
I sat down here to write about being once more lost in my photographic world. I lack so much confidence when it comes to being asked to do something photographic, I've only been doing this for thirty two years so what do you expect! Yes I'm a slow learner. I've been asked by someone I respect and consider as a friend and agent, friend first agent second. He has asked me to put together the details of a two day tour/workshop around my usual haunts like the Latin Quarter, Montmartre and the Marais, well he may as well have asked me to extract my kidneys sans anesthetic and fry them in red wine. I don't know where to start? What do I know?
I've only been reading, drinking, eating, and sleeping photography for donkeys years how the f... can I do this?
Now the sun is starting to reflect off this lovely picture of mine, a sunrise. I used to despise photos of sunrises.
This one is special. I took it! Now I feel I should be at my cafe reading about Hemingway, imagining I'm Hemingway
 These girls were happy to pose
and writing like Hemingway. Now I can smell the coffee, f... this for a game of soldiers I'm out of here! Now better save this for later. Wait a second the sun has stopped reflecting off my f.....g photo. Panic over the sun is still there! So now I'm off to my terrace au soleil, and to say "bonjour mes amis, ca va"! That's about my vocabulary before they start laughing at my pronunciation. Which reminds me, I was in Moret famous for being once home to Alfred Sisley and for making Poppy ice cream. Can you say coclico? Coclico is french for poppy. I don't know how they screwed it up to this? Well I can't, not for all the tea in China can I say coclico. I say clo cli clo. So I had chocolate f.....g ice cream instead. Yes I was and am pissed off I still can't say it after 8 years.
I'm supposed to be gone for coffee, see I forget even the nice things in my life. And I'm supposed to be blogging about photography. I've a great memory but it doesn't last long!  I presume if I click on save that this diatribe will be here when I get back? Why the f... did I start this? Jaysus I need a fag! He was bewildered!

Back again! Now where was I? Oh yes photography work shop for two days. I'm thinking... macro, portraits, architecture, maybe not architecture cos then we'll have to go into photoshop unless we use tilt and shift lenses, street photography is great, but nobody like doing it because it's outside their comfort zone. And it is tough in France because they are so aware of their rights and "le droit d'image" is more than ever present thanks to all these social networking sites like Facebook, Flickr and Twitter. When I approach someone on the street I tell them how handsome or beautiful I think they are and keep talking while they make up their minds, my french being what it is they generally give me a look of bewilderment and by that time I've got the picture, and say merci au revoir, bon journée bon everything and leg it!
After sacrificing hours of bullshite on my cafe terrace I expect my business to flourish now...the phone hasn't rung?

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