“Love calls - everywhere and always. We're sky bound. Are you coming?” ― Rumi
Thursday, August 11, 2016
In the valley wedding
There’s one outstanding advantage of being a wedding photographer in France and that is that during the Summer months we’ve a better chance of sunshine than say Ireland.
Having said that this year has been only so so weather wise.
Back in June I covered the union of Mylène & Alexandre in the valley of Chevreuse which is 40kms south of Paris and close to Versailles.
Hélène and I set off with plenty of time to spare and to discover the town of Gif sur Yvette where the civil ceremony was taking place.
I headed for the hairdresser to cover a little of the preparations (even if it’s not requested it helps both parties to relax).
The day warmed up nicely, even too nicely. I ended up using a little fill flash to avoid the panda eyes and at the venue Hélène controlled the reflector for me. Gold reflectors are great on the right skin tones.
The venue was a charming old farm with an antique style garden full of mature trees and scented climbers like jasmine and clematis.
The friends and family were super friendly and cooperative, I couldn’t have asked for better. They all showed up for groups photos and individual portraits in a cool and even fashion which made it so easy for me. And the light was simply delicious.
And from the comment below I think they liked the results. http://www.kevinhayden.book.fr/
Nous avons reçu aujourd’hui clé USB avec toutes les photos. Elles sont extras ! Nous allons en profiter pour les regarder longuement pendant les vacances. A notre retour on pourra vous dire lesquels on voudrait mettre dans l’album.
Merci encore infiniment à tous les deux.
Mylène & Alex
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