Kevin Hayden Paris

“Love calls - everywhere and always. We're sky bound.
Are you coming?”

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Paris bio ice cream

It’s a sunny day in Paris with temperatures hitting 14 degrees amazing for March 29th not! But with the sun in the sky and an ice cream shop in front of me Shaw’s quote comes to mind,”I can resist everything except temptation “. And so I entered Bachir’s ice cream shop and treated myself to 3 flavors the first was pétale de rose, next a classic vanilla and to finish a delightful almond ice cream. On entering the shop I was welcomed by a smiling and bubbly young lady who took my order and had me in ecstasy in no time. I’m an ice cream fanatic and it was a régale! I must add that she offered me a complimentary crème chantilly which I declined but the delightful lady wouldn’t have it and let me know that it was home made and very good so I crumbled and went for. I almost forgot that she said it was “good for the heart”. That’s good news to me how true it is remains to be discovered in later years by a bored scientist. It was however the best cream I can remember ever tasting. And I’m not a fan of cream Chantilly. So if you find yourself near the centre Pompidou and rue St Martin head to Bachir. I don’t usually blog about ice cream but this one is worth sharing. The price is nice to. I liked the fact that you can choose as many flavors as you want. See the photo for the prices and original flavors. I’m going to try and include this area into one of my photo tours.